Posts in fabrics

The oldest fiber known to man is an eco-friendly textile!

Linen is made of flax plant, that grows without pesticides, requires less water than cotton, and the whole plant is used while making fabric. Linen is a great option all year around, as it warms you in cold weather, and cools you in warm weather.

We love to use linen in our garments because of the soft texture, easy workability, and works well for embroidery.

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fabricsLaura Melendrez
Raw Indigo Hemp

Denim jeans were created as work pants, and people used to buy them and break them in, but when jeans became a fashion garment, people wanted their jeans to be pre-washed and the whole quality of jeans decreased. Now, we are going back the origins by offering high quality denim jeans and jackets.

We used raw denim, made with hemp and dyed with indigo. As we explained in the hemp fabric section, hemp is a super crop bringing more sustainable opportunities to the fashion industry. Indigo is a low-impact, natural pigment that gives a rich and luxurious color to the fabric.

The fun part about raw indigo denim is that the color will rub off based on your lifestyle, adding your personality to the garment. Plus, hemp is more durable than cotton, so our denim jeans and jackets will last forever.

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fabricsLaura Melendrez

Did you know that hemp has been used in fabric making since 8,000 B.C.?

Hemp fabric has many benefits, that´s why hemp is our favorite material for fabrics. The plant grows very fast, hemp fabric is very durable, and hemp clothing is super comfortable to wear.

When you compare hemp with cotton, hemp requires four times less water, half of the land space, and no pesticides. Also, it helps the soil recover and preserve its nutrients.

Most of the times we prefer using hemp fabric in its natural color, because approximately  20% of the industrial water pollution is caused by fabric dyes. The positive side of using natural hemp is its unique brown color, that goes very well with our colorful embroideries, giving extra personality to our pieces.

In our garments, you can find a broad variety of hemp fabrics with different blends and weaving. Some of our hemp fabrics are 100% hemp, others are mixed with organic cotton, and our favorite one is mixed with silk.

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fabricsLaura Melendrez
Upcycled Fabrics

Made under a circular economy model, this upcycled fabric is one of the most sustainable alternatives in the fashion industry. The upcycled fabric goes beyond “recycling” by utilizing fabric scraps, that otherwise would go to waste, to make a high quality fabric. For every kilogram of upcycled fabric, we save 20,000 liters of water, and prevent 20 kilograms of C02 to enter the atmosphere.

We love our upcycled fabrics because they are:

•Sourced regionally from Guatemala.

•All natural fibers, 100% cotton.

•Already went through the dyeing process.

Dyeing fabrics is the most polluted step in the fashion industry, and this way of recycling fabrics skips this step by leaving the cotton in its natural color and adding fabrics that were indigo dyed in its initial production to give a bluish appearance. You will find these fabrics in our muslin or poplin blouses and in our jeans and denim jackets.

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fabricsLaura Melendrez
Surplus Fabrics

We use surplus fabrics to make limited edition pieces that are exclusive and unique. By doing this, we salvaged material that would otherwise have ended up in landfills and would take many years to decompose.

These materials are called "dead inventory" that stores and brands have in their possession but that they do not intend to use. Most of the time this inventory is in perfect condition but they have details that makes them undesirable such as: the color did not turn out to be what they expected, the production was very large or a customer canceled an order when the fabric was being produced .

We see this dead inventory as an opportunity to use fabrics that would otherwise have been wasted, and turn them into beautiful limited edition pieces for Amor & Rosas.

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fabricsLaura Melendrez